


camera is a device that records/stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura, which means an early mechanism for projecting images.

Cameras may work with the light of the visible spectrum or with other portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. A camera generally consists of an enclosed hollow with an opening (aperture) at one end for light to enter, and a recording surface for capturing the light at the other end.
There were many designs of camaras. some of them are listed below-

1.Plate camera

2.Large format camera

3.Medium format camera

4.Folding camera

5.Box camera

6.Rangefinder camera

7.Single-lens reflex

8.Twin-lens reflex

9.Cine camera  

these are some different designs of camaras. Now days camers are changed to DIGITAL cameras and have been given different names such as DIGITAL camera, DSLR(Digital Single Lens Reflex), SLR(Single Lens Reflex) and there are many more names of cameras.
There were many BRAND's available in the market which use to Design and manufacture camers. Leading Brands in market such as NIKON, CANON, SONY, OLYMPUS, KODAK, FUJI-FILM, SAMSUNG, PANASONIC..... etc.